1. Hyperspaceing. From what i've seen so far this seems to be WAY under used. In HW1 it just cost to damn much to jump so it was never used unless you just somehow ended up with way to much ru for some reason. HWC is was used for spot jumping workers(collectors) to keep them alive on early worker strikes. But in HW2 the cost is next to nothing, especially for tatical jumps (less than 1k) to say quickly get your bc repostioned behind a group of frigs or level with DDs positioned above.
it is used well, where required, like jumping bc and dd and torps. but i see some people jump frigs way too often its a total loss of ru. jumping 3 flaks needs about 1500 ru, and if you keep jumping frigs, you can definately buy a new bc. instead of jumping everything, jump or walk the production ships. it brings up grav and docking point for quick recovery and reinforcements.
2. Collector repair. Does this just suck so bad that the research and effort to use it is that much less effective than what those collectors could be doing collection wise? There is no other way to repair a frig or cap is there?
people don't really use this one, as you should rather keep building new ships than recover a few half dead frigs. and usually they don't end up sitting in quiet location after getting half toast where cols can fix without interruption, if they do, you could use a few cols, but the amount of ru spent on fixing a dd back to full health may as well be amount of a whole new dd, but then again, it can be worth while if you know when to use. fixing bc takes ages.
3. sensor distortion probe. does this thing work as advertised? what else does it do? how are it's effects countered if at all. "scrambles enemies sensors isn't a good discription"
it hides small ships other than cap ships. if you have this and have fighter and vettes and frigs around, enemy cant see them, unless they toss a proxy or get real close with a ship. it also has the biggest sensor radius in the game, so, some people just use it as a bigger version of a probe or hide the far patch harvesting cols, but imo, if you toss a probe to figure out how many ru is left on a rock, hiding cols donesn't work since you can see the amount of ru left on a rock is decreasing without seeing anything attached on it.
you need to put probes up and down at your base to spot a well placed sensor dist probe in your base, but if you're good at placing probe in your base, tossing sensor dist is a big waste of ru, as it needs 500-800 ru for research and each costs a nice 500 ru, which means, you will need at least 2000 ru to toss a few and if enemy owns them, you just missed upgrading a bc to level 2. but mileage may vary.