I'd add some you probably wont see, certainly not regularly, but if you do well worth playing:
Bent (bentusi/bentusiGURU), just plain old good, can't say much more about him, save to note that he was probably the first to realize the power and proper usage of EMP, and that vay had a superior version, though, did tend to use insane combinations like 14 scouts and 4 acs...
MVB, innovative yet very solid player, he worked out numerous workable and sometimes easy but effective strategies that could be learned by the midrange-good crowd, who, lets face it, provide us most of our games when we cant find decent opponents, making them more challenging and far more interesting. My personal favorite of his, and one I"ll still use on occasion is the MVBr, a cloaked MS/cc hyper with stacked near complete flacks and rines, dating from circa mid 2004; this pretty much started off serious frigate rushing, which was very uncommon at the time.
MadBomber(TFL), equal to demons, roughly equivalent to me but much more active, one of TFL's oldest and finest, tends to smurf.
DJtheBaron, aka BaronSamedi and sometimes various canabis tinted names, irish, ugly as hell, evil mouthed, makes small children scream and run away. A fun guy to play with or against, just don't take his insults seriously, its all for comedic (and occasional strategic) effect.
Black(baps), was Blacksand, not, well, Black, if I recall, there have been some number of those. A navy sailor, possibly gunner, emotionally somewhat unstable, but a good player. Has definitely killed people, beware.
Apocalypse(could it be he was with PSA for a little while? I think so, they were damn good, not to be confused with Armageddon, a diff PSA though), he is the reason some people still refer to the first BC to the fight as the HMS Apocalypse, known to have turned around 3v3 which had progressed to a 1v3, against skilled players of the time.
PapaSmurf(BAPS), not a smurf, but has been a Demon, you won't find a nicer person to beat you in a 3v3.
Angel(Demon), aka Larsson, or Larsson7, a steady player, generally takes a central role in 3v3's, provides a team with enough backbone to supply over 9000 elephants. There have been 2 AngelDemons, but for the life of me I cant remember what the one changed his name too, though it's someone I knew
SUAS, another FC like silencio, something of a rival/enemy of MVB in the early days iirc, a nice guy to play around with, but these days prefers grander scale strategy by commanding an empire in EvE
For one v ones, i'll alter Blazz's t5 a little, from what I remember:
1: Silencio and 4E tied at first place; both with unbelievable micro. Did beat anyone who played, will beat anyone who will play, for ever and ever, amen.
2: Maverick?
3: DrunkenUno, formerly known as DrunkenOne, better team player for all that he can 1v1, quite probably the originator of int->ion, which beat the at that time favoured int->torp
4: LaserFlip, bastard, flaming looney, flaming flamer, good enough player.
5: Bentusi, already mentioned
Didn't play vs many XENOs, so I don't know where mav and tomcat fit in in there, but I remember 4e thought highly of them, drunk puts maverick above 4E, just below sil, but it probably depended on timeframe, as 4e kept playing longer than sil did, and will have gotten even better..
Anyways, as a side note, almost all of these listed here have been at some time or still are members of TLSC, before it went over to being a WoW clan.