got to semi usable state with cloaked using 2 pc at once.
and going triple torp is gay, so double torp and save 1200 ru is much better.
we even went 8 cols each, 24 col omfg gayness and it semi did good, saving for 6 extra cols and a mob but i gave up on level 2 dd hull in that case. but when i think about it i should give up on speed than level 2, since dd doesnt have to run off marines
--- the build ---
TDO goes single patch 2 cols res mod from start.
SF/DF goes 2 cols and a scout and a cap fac. when cols are out, pass cc to TDO.
when res mod is done, TDO passes cc back to them and recieve ms in place and pass own cc to DF. start a cap fac on own ms and dd res and advanced res mod.
SF/DF gets a single frig mod and a torp.
DF gets a hyper mod and those 2 torps jump at near 4 min.
when cap fac and dd res complete, TDO makes triple dd and moves ms at the mid of 3 primary patches.
SF gets a single mob and pass 4 cols to TDO.
DF gets double mob and deploy them.
when arm completes, let DF pass a cc to TDO. TDO pass it to SF. SF passes own cc to TDO. TDO passes it to DF. DF passes the other cc to TDO, TDO returns it.
SF/DF goes to stack frigs of choice, but typically not ions.
TDO gets a cloak mod.
dd actually completes before jump, so, stack them up with a mob or something in between.
TDO now queues, improved manufacture, level 1 hull and level 1 speed (or try completing level 1 hull early and queue up level 2 and forget speed completely) and sell arm right away. and jump.
when cloak mod completes, TDO sells res mod.
SF/DF has to pause a frig for a moment and get ru for jump and sell hyper mod right away.
DF should get grav asap when possible.
if all goes well, 9 min, followed by double 4 min torp, there are 6 dd and a dozen frigs to make random clanners call for a cheat.
--- trivial stuff... ---
when u let go of 4 cols and a cc, u can do everything alone by having 2 guys pass everything with triple dd and double frig pump and win against 3 randoms alone...
--- some thought ---
cant SF just go fighters and let DF do double torp by SF donating ru to DF? since they will definately have fighter and bombers... and its way easier/cheaper to get ints, not to mention process becomes much easier. would even manage to stop other side's hyper torp, if it isnt for their fighter support.
and as always, if other side has good grav and fighter mod for bombers, then just sell torp and it saves so much.