when i realized i didnt know something good to use for over 3 years... i thought its good to post so people might find something useful that they missed...
my typical hotkey use would be,
H - kinda obvious... band box, press H, u get rich
D - quite important, as if you use this instead of manual docking, the docking ship takes closest docking points but spread out equally and dont dock on single ship but if u have cap ships spread, it can be bad till u manually bring them close enough to where they need to dock.
space - ok... u know it...
E - i use for emp, press this, right click on target ships, boom, i won. but in detail, i have 4 emp grouped, press E, target one part of enemy swarm, shift press 1 scout out of group, i have 3 left, press E, right click on another target, do this for the rest of 2, and they end up pffting 4 different locations.
Q - to let go of queue menus and what not on the left side.
W - not common, but sometimes for scout way points only.
R - research menu
B - build menu
L - dock menu (hmm random crash at later point in a game...)
I - ship list, just to see if i maxed cols or marines etc
K - when i feel like a good guy and pass some ru
S - yes, stop that damn bc from marching! oh and i use it when i shout 'plz cloak already!!!' in my mind too.
T - pretty rare, but only when my little trusty dff is around
ctrl-A to attack move stuff like frigs and bc. but regular move does same stuff though.
ESC - to let go of chat box
TAB - to enable some extra overlay. good for counting cols, since they get some border around them.
CAPS - i guess i only use when im about to die and pass everything... or to find my missing mob and see where they are
ctrl-shift-x to sell mods
and of course ctrl-shift-s when things look bad
arrows - move screen
and for mouse,
right click move mouse - rotate cam (like who doesnt do this...)
wheel - zoom in/out
middle click - zoom in on selected ship
and today... cloaked told me 'damn my alt key is small' and i go 'what do u use alt key for?' he tells me 'zoom in on clicked ship' and i go 'wtf!? fooking useful!!!'
and i have military ship priority selection, so i dont drag all my cols and cc along with my frigs... but i think thats quite typical. and never used that 'right click menu' thing which i havent even touched since i started playing...