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 Post subject: list of hotkeys
PostPosted: 08 Oct 2007, 14:23 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
when i realized i didnt know something good to use for over 3 years... i thought its good to post so people might find something useful that they missed...

my typical hotkey use would be,

H - kinda obvious... band box, press H, u get rich

D - quite important, as if you use this instead of manual docking, the docking ship takes closest docking points but spread out equally and dont dock on single ship but if u have cap ships spread, it can be bad till u manually bring them close enough to where they need to dock.

space - ok... u know it...

E - i use for emp, press this, right click on target ships, boom, i won. but in detail, i have 4 emp grouped, press E, target one part of enemy swarm, shift press 1 scout out of group, i have 3 left, press E, right click on another target, do this for the rest of 2, and they end up pffting 4 different locations.

Q - to let go of queue menus and what not on the left side.

W - not common, but sometimes for scout way points only.

R - research menu

B - build menu

L - dock menu (hmm random crash at later point in a game...)

I - ship list, just to see if i maxed cols or marines etc

K - when i feel like a good guy and pass some ru

S - yes, stop that damn bc from marching! oh and i use it when i shout 'plz cloak already!!!' in my mind too.

T - pretty rare, but only when my little trusty dff is around

ctrl-A to attack move stuff like frigs and bc. but regular move does same stuff though.

ESC - to let go of chat box

TAB - to enable some extra overlay. good for counting cols, since they get some border around them.

CAPS - i guess i only use when im about to die and pass everything... or to find my missing mob and see where they are :lol:

ctrl-shift-x to sell mods

and of course ctrl-shift-s when things look bad :roll: (not...)

arrows - move screen

and for mouse,

right click move mouse - rotate cam (like who doesnt do this...)

wheel - zoom in/out

middle click - zoom in on selected ship

and today... cloaked told me 'damn my alt key is small' and i go 'what do u use alt key for?' he tells me 'zoom in on clicked ship' and i go 'wtf!? fooking useful!!!' :oops:

and i have military ship priority selection, so i dont drag all my cols and cc along with my frigs... but i think thats quite typical. and never used that 'right click menu' thing which i havent even touched since i started playing...

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 Post subject: Re: list of hotkeys
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007, 05:31 

Joined: 13 Sep 2007, 16:48
Posts: 18
Ok dont forget you can stack commands on the waypoint orders waypoint 1,2,3 and then attack or, harvest, or dock. (or so Ive heard im not sure exactly which commands happen the second you hit the key or the ones that are executed after the last waypoint is set.)

N - for laying mine fields and dont forget the first N does one dimension of the minefield so it can be just in a straight line then left mouse buton adds a second dimension so you can lay a box and ctrl add the third so you can lay a cube shaped mine field. I prefer telling each minelayer to make a minefild that is the size of one single point the smallest it can be very close to my target. So they drop mines and they immediately fly for their target. by dropping them on one point they maximise the speed at which they deploy.

Home - focus on mothership.

Q!!!! - this allows me to close my build manager while im not queueing build orders so I can see more of the screen.

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 Post subject: Re: list of hotkeys
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007, 06:52 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
yeah, damn lol, never really use mine vettes to really remember about it, though i've written Q up there. didnt know u can stack actions on way points. also i thought numpad 0 would focus on mothership too.

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 Post subject: Re: list of hotkeys
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007, 19:40 

Joined: 27 Aug 2007, 04:42
Posts: 24
HOME will actually cycle through your production ships. Numpad 0 is Last Event, but generally build and research complete events send you to MS. Can do same thing with "V" key and clicking any of the listed events.

New one to me Page Up and Page Down are Previous Focus and Last Focus, [not the same thing]

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