last those 2 bloody sy labs showed me a better build for double cc
now u guys are all going to bow down
won't write till i pwn everyone...
[edit, havent pwned everyone yet but, added queue : i need to do this againt my concept prover cloaked
ms - fighter mod, scout, 2 cols queued, pump 12 fighters.
cc - plat mod, 5 cols, sit on second patch doing nothing after that.
at 2 min, start res mod, when done, get ion plat research and fighter speed 1. start arm soon after.
on cc, queue a col and a mob, send mob to ms patch, advance ms and start pumping 6 ion plats.
when arm is 70% done, start frig mod on cc, sell plat mod when 6 plats are out.
queue cap fac on ms, when arm is done, queue fighter speed 2.
when cap fac is done, queue dd research, ms/cc improved manufacture, ion frig hull 1, sell arm.
get a new cc on ms and a cloak mod on cc.
when cc is out, queue 10 dd on ms and queue dd hull 1, get frig fac on that cc pump 2 cols and add on second patch.
when frig fac is built, sell res mod.
but at this point, if there's any chance of seeing hyper dd from other side, stop research and pause grav at 95%.
complete the grav when the dd enters hyper.
pause research or mod that isnt needed right away and nothing really lags.
also, this will only have 12 fighters, so, never try to fight at their cap ships or something or fighters will lose hard against 14 fighters. fighting at own 3 cap ships with cloak docking technique, lack of 2 fighters mean pretty much nothing.
go, double frig pump and dd and own.
[philosophy behind this move]
- the initial move is same as the one to protect against less than 10 col fighter rushers with fighter/plat, so they can easily be defended with 10-12 cols. which leads other side to go over 12 cols.
- the initial col is 14 col, which means, if other side goes over 12 cols (which is almost forced), this strat is good to go. until other side goes over 16 cols, then something more might need to be done (ex : bc)
- go only fighter on ms and plat on cc to save some waste, though if other side fighter rushes later, it can be a problem without gunplats.
- early ion plats protect early double ion attacks with 5 ion frigs or so.
- sell as much as one can sell and by forgetting some level 2 upgrades, one can go triple pump quite fast.
imo, this owns.