Warning: Highly advanced shit.
The regular old school res or adv mod transfer:
Player 2 has res or adv mod and passes it to player 1, so player 1 can do research or unlock adv frigs.
Mod Unlocking:
Player 2(vay/hiig) has res mod, player 1(hiig) passes his cc/ms to player 2 (one at a time) and gets them back. Player 1 can now build corv/frig/adv mods, but can't do any research (unless player 1 builds his own adv mod).
Note: If someone passes player 1 a ship w/ a res mod on it, this will screw up the effects of the 'mod unlocking'. You can still do the regular adv mod transfer, but the ship w/ the adv mod can't have a res mod on it.
Old method for typical skilled games: Using the regular adv mod transfer. Everyone builds res mod, only one person gets adv mod.
Benifits:Saves time and ru (2x adv = 4500ru *ru savings based on 3v3 all hiig situations*).
Downsides:Gotta pass the adv mod around.
New method for complex rush moves: Using mod unlocking and the regular adv mod transfer. Only one guy gets res mod, and adv mod. (res and adv must be on different ships, so res on ms, adv on cc)
Benifits:Save time and a lot of ru (2x res mod + 2x adv mods = 7500ru for whole team).
Downsides:To any do research, you have to pass the adv mod ship around a lot. So this is best for small maps.
New method for long games on big maps: Using mod unlocking only. Only one guy gets res mod, everyone else gets own adv mod.
Benifits:Saves time and some ru (2x res mod = 3000ru for whole team). Everyone can do their own lv2 researchs w/ out transfering adv around.
Downisides: This is more expensive (2x adv mod - 2x res mod = 1500ru more) than the regular adv mod transfer in situation OLD - but you wont have to do any adv mod transfers. So this is best used in for big maps that require lots of research.
Mod unlocking is a very cool and advanced strat that can be applied to any build - except maybe my 8:15 bc rush via vaygr res mod transfer - lol.
*note back when this thread was made, i dubed mod unlocking, 'reverse research mod transfer'
*edited many times for nuby typing -_- lol