Demon Clan Forum

misunderstanding ru harvest
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Author:  Hideki [ 02 Sep 2007, 06:57 ]
Post subject:  misunderstanding ru harvest

i keep hearing this and since its lame, im gonna just tell to those think it this way.

me pass 1k to team, "tx for ru, but i got ton myself" - go get a cc or sy ...

i tell "you just wasted 1k with that torp doing nothing much", "nah i have enough ru flowing" - ...if you sold that frig, you have 1200 more ru.

just because someone's ru isnt hitting 0, it never means he is spending it smart... i just cant believe people think they're handling ru fine when i see them waste or not use enough and they think they're doing fine. they're not fine. just coz there's always 1k in bank doesnt mean that was best use.

and i usually get 'hey hid how do u pump so much?'
i guess i just hate wasting ru whenever possible...

if someone cant think logically, they obviously lose fast.

Author:  CPU1 [ 03 Sep 2007, 06:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: misunderstanding ru harvest

For some reason I can never have tons of ru, most of the time I have to pause something to get more important stuff built or researched.

Also, plz don't build 20 collectors to rush fighters on miniBond.

Author:  Hideki [ 03 Sep 2007, 08:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: misunderstanding ru harvest

CPU1 wrote:
For some reason I can never have tons of ru, most of the time I have to pause something to get more important stuff built or researched.

thats typical... but "some folks" just seem to boast how rich they're...
hmm, lol, who did max col fighter "rush" in microbond... and how do u even call that a rush...

Author:  CPU1 [ 03 Sep 2007, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: misunderstanding ru harvest

I was just saying only build enough collectors to do your build. Do not overbuild collectors, especially on the small maps.

Author:  Hideki [ 04 Sep 2007, 00:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: misunderstanding ru harvest

you got that finger? :lol:

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