Just some boring notes I've made for myself:
*dont lose swarm, or get greedy w/ it. If enemy attacks ur ms colls, go attack his ms colls. Dont risk a swarm fight when ur away from ur docks.
*move colls and ur cc to enemy ms patch if ur secondary patch gets blown out.
*when fighting swarm over docks, ur priority is to dock ur first 2 damaged int
*Move cc/sy up to skrew up int killing mods (helps cut attack down by a good 25-50%), the int run into cc when it moves up. For the ms u gotta rotate it left/right depending on the mod.
*Always get control of situation at base before you ever jump away, then scout/probe bfr attacking
*if enemy is on 10/11colls go int>ion, if u go dd on 12/13colls u don't have enough ru to get adv mod and lv2 int quick enough. u can 14coll dd, or go double ions if u need to be extra safe.
*if enemy pressures swarm early, keep cc ints docked so his lv1 ints dont own ur lv0 ints out of cc.
_Shield 1v1 - Vs 12-14coll double ion build_
ms:3int, mob
-7coll in back 7 in front, do coll micro by ms for more ru, (mash that idle-coll button)
cc:res mod
ms:cap fac
If enemy is on 12 coll int>ion, pause capfac/res for 20seconds, and make 1 more int on ms
sell ms F-mod
dd res
int lv1 speed
(pause mob if it lags dd res)
start dd
cc:frig mod
int lv2 speed
sell cc F-mod
sell res mod if ur being marined
imp ms manu
dd hull1
dd hull2
imp cc production
sell adv
Watch out for marines, u gotta shoot those down fast. If they build marines first thing, u should build marines off ur cc, and marine their marines. U should use your swarm to damage one marine to half way, if he attacks u w/ his swarm dock ur first 2 damaged int, and attack w/ the rest. Marines get captured twice as fast as dd do. Don't let any colls die to ions, keep ur dd just behind ur patch to kill those ions.
_Shield 1v1 - Vs destroyer build_
-8coll in back 7 in front
cc:res mod
ms:cap fac
sell ms F-mod, when ru lags, and when ur sure he isn't on fast ions or swarm rush.
dd res
int lv1 speed
ms:adv, gw, fct
cc:frig mod
move ms in, and attack w/ 2 dd. Much better to attack over his colls than yours. Use your dd to kill enemy coll.
imp ms manu
int lv2 speed
sell cc F-mod
dd hull1
dff frigs
dd hull2
imp cc production
sell adv (keep res mod)
Always be first to attack, defending ur patches vs dd is a bad game of lotto... even if u have = ships, ur better off taking out his patch than letting it be ur's. If u happen to get attacked first, think about cloak on cc, and cloaked marines to cap half dead dd's.
Also, dff are a smart idea to research after imp cc production and just before u sell adv. SY isn't the best move at any time, just pfft colls w/ ur dds.