yes its that important. if u lose swarm, u lose game, period. rest of the ships are raped, burnt and sent to hell no matter how bold they look by the infamous bomber mod rapage.
to make it not happen, you need to know some stuff...
1) dock the shit... group the fighters. i just group the whole fighters as 1 group. find out which is damaged (i dock at half green health), press D on that, and take that out of the group (shift click will deslect it out of group and regroup the rest). repeat, dock, deselect from group, repeat... until i have ships repaired, then i group the whole fighters again and repeat... repeat... till other side is dead...
2) learn how to emp. emp... the best thing in the galaxy... usually from vaygr. 4 emp 14 fighters, just rock the hell out. but do give team mates some emp to be more effective. and... target the emp to different fighters, not all on 1, obviously this will blow emp at wider range halting quite some fighters in the bunch. and do dock scouts... they're weak, try to reuse them and not just for once... so many people stop emp'ing after first one, if you lose scout, rebuild them, if you docked scouts, wait a minute, and reuse emp, a way to win.
to avoid emp, try to spread fighters to different locations and the important thing being, send 1 of the fighters on the scout, if one of the squadron dies out of a scout, the emp basically becomes moot as it won't have enough power to stop fighters, until another scout blows emp onto the same fighters.
and when emp'ing, do emp the scouts first, and then send 1 or 2 emp to the actual fighters. leaving other side's emp open for attack is quite annoying.
3) visually follow the fighters. even if one of the fighter looks healthy but getting chased by several fighters, do dock it already. so all the attack becomes waste on that fighter if docked. advanced move being, reassign it's target location while getting chased, as getting chased in a straight line will definately end its life before docking. turning it around manually back and forth can actually avoid fire to some extent and try to dock it anyhow...
4) cloak the docking ship. it's very important... i mean, very... if the cc is cloaking even if the cc attacks and it's not cloaked, the docking fighters will cloak while lining up to be docked, avoiding the finish blow from chasing fighters. it's just so good docking several fighters than losing them, it's just so necessary...
5) same for lasers, if torps are seen attacking it, dock already, than just waste them all, since torps do never repair (no one use col repair on torps anyway...) if lasers are docking, laser has more advantage.
6) when u look like taking advantage on fighters, it's actually the time to make bombers... no one make bombers at the right time, but when fighters are winning, instead of couple lasers or ion frigs or even a dd, bombers do better. disabling ion turret on bc is a lot better, or even better screwing a cap fac on sy...
so, if all is done, theres more chance of winning game...