It's quite common people do double dd nowadays, which just passes ms to one guy and recieves cc, so one guy makes 2 dd at once.
it's good that this is quite powerful in semi tight map as people can't run from dd if dd keep pushing in.
but to do this quick, there's a little trick.
a very typical double dd only goes by passing an ms with a cap fac onto the other guy who goes to make res mod, so in the end 1 guy has 2 ms with cap fac and a res mod, with another guy having 2 cc with nothing.
and it gets quite obvious as the ms is passed and other team is gonna smell it so badly its a bit uncool.
this article will explain in detail how to do double dd afap. it's meant to be an offensive strat, but it doesnt have to be and attack later with enough dd because basically this strat has quite some weakness to deal with if used offensively.
i've done a slightly modified better version of it a while ago, but i forgot... hope aohnh can remember it for me...