Just thought I would share. Prolly write something more substantial later.
Edit: And here we go.
First game: I was usual Vaygr [front] with Genesis playing Higg - Vaygr on other side was back right with Higg on other two spots.
Other side had Higgs with double Fighter Facs while Vaygr quick expanded to far right patch and eventually Double Fighter as well. I went Double fighter, Genesis went fighters as well with one going fast DD.
Moved MS toward center while pumping 3 scouts from CC [plus the early one I had scouting] Genesis moved up as well keeping Ints docked.
Swarm battle starts and is a close match for awhile. Genesis eventually has Torps hitting left sides Cols and later Ions for their Ions. Genesis DD kills Vaygr RU op on far right the heads toward the back. Meanwhile other side has been making carriers, eventually 3 for Vaygr and 5 total for Higg.
The whole time Swarm battle is slowly turning in our favor. We eventually take out their Swarm entirely and with a combination Torps, DD, and Vettes killing Cols they cannot make use of their production advantage. Gini CTD's at the end but game was pretty much won.
Rematch: Same basic setup although I am back right.
Send MS and CC toward center while dropping a Refinery, Genesis moves up as well. Both sides sit back and build though Genesis does send 3 Hyper torps into backfield. Battle eventually starts on left side with Swarm and Flak support from Xeno. we keep back untill Genesis DD pops on same side moments later.
We are behind on Swarm at this point but manage to at least hold with Flak and EMP. Our DDs push forward coming against Ions Marines and DD's. Their Vaygr and I are both getting Corvs and he has the upper hand for awhile both of us losing a couple cols to Missle vettes. I risk a second CC while I keep swarm busy with EMP and Int/Flak support. Get carrier out and go double fighter with Corvs on MS which slowly allows me to beat Swarm. Meanwhile Genesis is pushing forward with DDs Ions and Marines. Manage to kill all thier Cols in front and push a DD and some Missle vettes deep in back to go after those Cols. Vaygr is sending Lasers after the DD's and I send some Lancers to deal with them while Corvs are busy with Cols. With swarm won and us pushing them back my connection drops
Good games and second was a real close one.