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 Post subject: 1v1 tayos
PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007, 12:56 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
nearly forgot to write this, since vs tayos, its usually easy 8-)

after some lobby drama against another guy in another clan :roll:, me and tayos went for 1v1 with some guy i dont know and cloaked spectating. (later on, it turned out cloaked hit the wrong button on quit and didn't watch any of it :lol:)

now, i just scout and watch how many cols he gets, and he went 12 to start with, so i just went 'k, its the typical 15 cols triple pump for me. i semi won kthxbye' and just went 15 cols and fighter/ion plat/ion frig/dd combo. and with that, added 3 emp scouts that i recently tried to add in the mix for this strat.

tayos went to increase a few cols later on and made dd on ms and plats on cc. and i guess he didn't make any ion frigs.

i then went to 16 cols seeing his few more extra cols, and did the double cc move, but since this strat is super tight on ru, i was feeling a bit nervous if he'd make a hyper mod ... and i had 0 ru left to start grav... and just thought 'oh well... if he hypers that shit on my patch, then thats that...' and he actually built the hyper mod and i was like 'k...doh!' and as soon as i saw the dd enter hypering, i run my cols off the primary patch. which probably lead to only 1 col dead from that dd attack. but i just had my second cc to do nothing useful for that.

now tayos brings in the plats and his next dd down on me and i had a dd and 10 ion plats a couple ion frigs.
our fighters engaged as i blew emp on him, having 11 ints + 3 emp vs 14 ints, i won the fighter in the end and had about 7 ints left with scouts still alive.

but my second cc is so useless, i sold frig mod and even that cc later on. now tayos who loves beating up people's col, came down to my second patch with his next dds and i was upset.

he screwed my patches quite badly, i dont even have much col left, yet i had some ion frigs plats and dd to attack him for a while. i moved up my cc to tayos' primary patch and moved my dd to his secondary patch, while trying to take his cap fac off, but that failed, and i used ints on his primary patch instead while busting his cols on his second patch.

tayos pumped a new cc and went on double ion plat dd pump and i semi kept standing, by selling everything i could and started harvesting on tayos' primary patch... but since i had 1 less dd in total than he did, even if i had most of his cols dead, i just had a bit of lack in fire power and later tayos busted my ms up... boom... very nice.

it went really good, was as good as the one i did vs cloaked and lost a while back. nice one for tayos. :shock: vgg.

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 tayos
PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007, 15:55 
Evil Soul

Joined: 16 Aug 2007, 23:58
Posts: 124
Sounded like a vgg. Glad someone finally beat you w/ that ion plat>dd strat that i kept trying, add the hyper-dd and its gold. If enemy don't build gw he's gonna be losing ru, and if he does get a gw, then he's gonna slow his build down way too much, making it easier to attack him.

I wonder though, did you ever get a chance to build 2 marines to capture that hyper-dd?


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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 tayos
PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007, 16:40 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
actually, yes. he had plats but nothing else mobile, so i could send 3 marines on it...
but still, getting grav is a safer bet. i still could fit in the grav, if i didnt get emp and kept fighters on par instead.

im gonna think about getting 95% paused grav instead of emp from now against dd 8-)

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 tayos
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007, 00:06 

Joined: 22 Aug 2007, 19:40
Posts: 28
Lol that 1v1 was a vgg

I started with 12 col basic fighters then stright to dd and ion plat,only adding 1 more collector for a total of 13. Hid had more plats and units than me at first, but after I hypered my first dd, it got chaotic. I send a plt mass and he did same, they were kind of halfway betewwn the main patches. My main goal was to kill cols at both patches, which i did. Then more dds and an extra cc for ion spam which was eneded up being a nice battle in the center (postioning was so crucial :!: ). But, I eventually started to weaken his forces, nuked both his patches and he started fleeing to my home patch (my 2ndary patch had been cleaned of cols).
so, I worked with no colltors, using subsystems for ion pump only (I decided no more dds, to long to build when game was this close). So kind of scuffled towars my camp, he tried postioning his dds far away from my plats, so instead of chasing them I nuked his ms then went after the dds lol.

Was a great game overall. Best things I could've improved on is fct (would have done wonders) and mabye a faster plat build up

vgg Hid ^^

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 tayos
PostPosted: 21 Oct 2007, 02:01 
User avatar

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 23:31
Posts: 74
Looks like Hid is slipping in the 1v1's. ;)

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