he asked me for another, so we did it. but now this time, i knew how to do my build
he went with 13 cols this time, but i just went same 15 to be on the safe side. he came up with his ms to cc patch like before, while i was also double pumping fighters while researching for ion plat.
now i made about 10 ints and started getting ion plats while getting arm on ms. when arm is done i queue all i need to queue and got a cap fac and queued dd research, sold arm to get a new cc with no lag.
he was somehow also getting plat mod and some ions, but now my build is proper, i got to start getting dd at right time while moving my cc up getting frig mod. this time i didnt lose my fighters and i had good amount of dd/ion frig plat and pushed in and... won
but actually he was good. gg.