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 Post subject: 1v1 vs vyto
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007, 02:48 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
1v1 in shield vs a guy called vyto.

he asked me for 1v1 suddenly, so i just went in, sad told me he was good, and he was.
he made a mob on ms patch and came to second patch with cc going to 12 cols and started pumping fighters.

i was on my now-usual ownage 15/16 col plan and since he got only 12 cols, i stayed at 15 cols while getting double fighters. and i just tried to get ion plats but for some reason i fooked up my build and instead of getting advanced res mod on ms, i mistakingly went to get cap fac, which was in the wrong order... and i had to lag like an idiot to get a new cc...

he started to get ion frigs from cc after maxing fighters but i started getting ion plats so he wont rush in. now i got a new cc up and once again to my surprise... i wasnt starting dd research... duh... i was like omfg and started getting dd research and got a mob on ms patch and moved them up.

and i even sold res mod by mistake before queueing dd and frig hull level 1... and i looked liked a moron, but at least i built stuff to stay on my side, so he didn't come get me too fast, and in the end i guess my triple pump had him, although my second cc got half fried and my fighters were also lost leaving 7 or so of his ints to come get my cap fac on ms, but somehow i still won...

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 vs vyto
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007, 02:52 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
he asked me for another, so we did it. but now this time, i knew how to do my build 8-)

he went with 13 cols this time, but i just went same 15 to be on the safe side. he came up with his ms to cc patch like before, while i was also double pumping fighters while researching for ion plat.

now i made about 10 ints and started getting ion plats while getting arm on ms. when arm is done i queue all i need to queue and got a cap fac and queued dd research, sold arm to get a new cc with no lag.

he was somehow also getting plat mod and some ions, but now my build is proper, i got to start getting dd at right time while moving my cc up getting frig mod. this time i didnt lose my fighters and i had good amount of dd/ion frig plat and pushed in and... won :!:

but actually he was good. gg.

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 vs vyto
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2007, 21:42 
User avatar

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 23:31
Posts: 74
Cool Hid, nice work. I've beaten him a couple of times myself. Just used the old faithful int to ion rush. Never fails if used right.

"Let this apple take your body from you
Let my hand guide you to your rightful place
For I am your shepherd

Blessed are the dead
And now you are among them
Delivered form this mortal coil"

-Azrael, Angel of Death

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 vs vyto
PostPosted: 13 Sep 2007, 10:45 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 14:13
Posts: 3
Moved the lower part into strategy forum.

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 Post subject: Re: 1v1 vs vyto
PostPosted: 16 Sep 2007, 00:10 
Little puppy

Joined: 15 Sep 2007, 19:37
Posts: 5
try him on any other map ull c the true skill of him, hehe... and shielding he has his usual 5 kills vs me so i suppose not much of to speak about.

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