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 Post subject: gg
PostPosted: 25 Aug 2007, 11:51 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
invader_j (pos neutral vay) + battlecry (pos girl hig) + cloaked_sf (pos man vay) vs me (pos neutral vay) + aohnh (pos girl hig) + tayos (aka leg puller :lol:, pos meat shield hig)

i was vay so, it was just the ordinary swarm doer. aohnh goes fighters and bc while tayos does frigs.
fight has been kind of quiet till we made a bc except tayos did some torping on invader and aohnh hypers bc in asking me to help on swarm. we went in, i emp'ed them kinda bad since cloaked was talking to team lol, but even that, they had plenty more ships and our swarm is kinda badly lost... they also had a bc ready and sent it in.

the bc fight didn't even look cool either seeing how battle already had level 2 hull when we had level 1. both side kept sending in bc but we looked tad bit pushed.

since swarm is badly lost, i felt like going 5x omfg pump, since somehow i had such ru... made extra cc, sold the cap fac, and was ready to go triple vette pump and double fighter pump pwnage. but still there are so many small ships buzzing in front of pos 5 at where i was with 4 cc and 1 fs moving up. but i kept using emp and turned cloak on cc while actual cc and fs kept firing on ships, so, any docking ships would cloak to escape the last hits. and i kept pumping and pumping like chickens dumping eggs every morning and kept pumping as if i had hyper gate inside my cc and fs... and i just dont know why i didnt make fct on my cc and fs at that time when i think about it... and later on, tayos brings in those massive torp and flak fleet with some ions, which started to help on the swarm and take down the bc.

i sent some stealth(though visible...) missile vettes in their back patches to take down some of battle's cols to slow their bc prod. and couple more onto invader's secondary patch when the fight was concenttrating on my side. as they made plenty lasers for me to have some extra missiles to do some other job since missiles had less reason to die then.

soon, we align bc properly and started torching theirs and all of sudden, we had 3 bc when they had 1 or none. and swarm was taken care of.

we started moving our 3 or 4 bc with gazillion swarms surrounding it... and ... ... ... ... hmm, game froze... cloak lags out... and we just ended them.

but it was has been very nice game while it lasted. kinda rare for me to wish to go 5x pump, but somehow i handled the ru with max cols...

but i lost the ship the second most out of all players... but the losing team's loss even counts loss of cols and other helper ships, i was the one to lose most in the fight...


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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 26 Aug 2007, 21:09 
Evil Soul

Joined: 16 Aug 2007, 23:58
Posts: 124
Just wana say if i hadn't had spent half the game calling J a newb we might had won. :lol: :P

All i ask of teamates is 3 things:
1. Don't go into a swarm battle unless I tell you to. ;) (especially when i'm the one that gave them to you :lol: )
2. Keep your bc's together. Single file was cool in middle school, theres no need to be getting first in line to die here guys. :)
3. Learn what to build in each situation. ie: Building fighters against a massive army of Tayos flak (lol) is not fun. Get hmf and woop that boys but. ;)


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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 26 Aug 2007, 23:10 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
i never figured he was a newb, considering his age and being mature than any other teens on earth, he's good.

as for 1) lol, if u're sleeping then all team is gonna go poo... people should move by looking the situation but not waiting till commander cloak says something :p and do share about the move by making communication or the team does go poo fast getting ganged on at 1 part of the fleet.

tayos flak can be very critical if other side isnt newbs.

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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2007, 02:14 
Evil Soul

Joined: 16 Aug 2007, 23:58
Posts: 124
lol ya obvously if enemy int is coming towards your int its best not to sit and do nothing. *warning - Rant* But what I mean is i often have teamates (and i'm not talking about newbs here, I mean like your average clan guy) that randomly decide to send their entire fleet of int - that I just tranfered to them :roll: - into the enemy flak/int/fct to die a horrible horrible death. (Sometimes this is just the result of idle int sitting outside yourbase and getting sucked into a battle.) Its much better if you like 'communicate' with your teamates and say 'I'm attacking' so I can either join them or advise them to pull out before they get killed. *end of Rant - lol*

Just to note my teamates in that game didn't like totally f-up in any way. They did 1-3 pretty good, you guys just did them better. Winning that game w/ bc and J would have taken some luck - despite what people were saying before the game, tayos isn't a 'noob' he's about as good as either of my teamates. We lost a bc or two cause they got separated, and neither me nor J was used to having 2 vay on a team on a big map so we just kept doing int and corvs when we really needed some frigs/dd (probly would have switched if i hadn't been talking so much :lol: - bad habit lately). My compliments to tayos, he adapted well - building a shiz load of flak and torps was indeed a good way to nullify our teams massive swarm. And for the record, J is pretty cool despite all his'hasn't been playing hw2 enough' noobish-ness. :lol: :)



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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 08:09 

Joined: 22 Aug 2007, 19:40
Posts: 28
was a gg, i only made one error I relized afterword of grouping more

but my frig spamm leveled out the swarm that was on us

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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 12:36 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007, 15:03
Posts: 375
glad their ions or dd didnt over power us with ur million flak/torps...

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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 23:39 
Little puppy

Joined: 26 Aug 2007, 22:04
Posts: 7
nice game i have gg's i just can't remeber them (don't ask) somthing about when i leave HW2 i forget everything i just did

My Girl Got a Girlfriend

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 Post subject: Re: gg
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2007, 23:25 
Evil Soul

Joined: 16 Aug 2007, 23:58
Posts: 124
Black wrote:
nice game i have gg's i just can't remeber them (don't ask) somthing about when i leave HW2 i forget everything i just did

Thats not good o_O lol, how you supposed to improve that way! ;)


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