sad happy cloaked vs me aohnh star-tfl in some very small map.
basically, it was so small we had to go fighters... they go 6x fighters, we go something similar, i made about 8 emp and kept pumping fighters. we started attacking earlier and no one was winning at one point, but somehow we're getting sort of pushed dunno why.
then we're still looking slightly bad and sad starts pumping ions and started charging on aohnh's cc... we dont have anything to kill it...he runs cloaked (with his cloak mod... damn ur name is confusing
), i go vette with extra cc. and swarm is lost... frigs keep coming. they make dd... we're dead...
the point is... we got owned... by both swarm and big... they might have done mod transfer to get the advanced res mod quicker but that was not the only reason since swarm is badly owned later on as well...
hmm... 2 guys who can communicate well with knowning each others what to do is just so much better than 3 skilled... (no i dont mean cloak is a nub...)
i keep bringing up baps, but baps never had exactly 2 guys as a group but random 3 out of the 4 and im sure xeno communicate better than they did with ts and all.
it is amazing with this team, the swarm is kinda owned, while having quite less chance on beating the bigger ships...
nice. (stares at broken pc of cerns...)