BlackBaps wrote:
... I tried a good old double hyper torp. After intel, looked like Finger was going big, Mini going fighters and didnt know what Sire was doing. I actually managed to get in 4 torps before their gravs, and chased off fingers patches in the back positions. They didnt last long however, and we settled down to a slug match.
No grav in pos5 (Sire) or pos6 (Mini) until 5-6 min. Mini attoned by giving me about 2k then and another 2-4k over the course of the game, so despite torps I still got out BC in semi-decent time.
BlackBaps wrote:
633 had an adv hyper cap in mind, and was about to go, when a large vayg frig fleet popped up at Vec's front position! 633 moved over some ions to combat it, and we saw finger and mini aggressively take the middle. Since we couldnt stop that at the time, we deicded to take out the vay frigs, since infiltrators in the mix were maxing vec worried. I sent some dds over and that was safe, for now. However, they now had the middle, and large swarms of lazers and lancers came in with a ton of torps and ions and bcs in the middle. We sent some dds and bcs at them in return, slugfest!
Sire sent frigs to Vec pos2 CC patch, and Mini moved caps (double pumping ions) to middle, but I didn't get there until about 11-12 min, when first BC popped. Sire's frigs were mostly gone by then, and 633's dds/ions were beating up Mini. I jumped MS, CC and first BC to mid, got BC grav, and Mini and I pushed 633 back to pos1. Black then jumped in BC, but it hit grav. I turned first damaged BC, jumped in second, and killed Black's first BC. So, we're winning frig/cap fight ...
Problem: A few min earlier Vec had switched from AC to lasers to counter Sire's frigs (poof all gone), and the vettes then started eating our ions in the middle. I switched to torps at mid, and Vec thought "fine, see if you can catch me," running lasers to Sire's CC at pos5 (poof all gone). My torps eventually stumbled back there and finished the vettes, with some help from Sire's new lasers(!) I had asked him to go missiles instead to counter Vec's lasers, but he insisted "no, i'll get lance."
A DD jumped from far right outside patch (far left from our perspective) to Sire's pos5 CC patch also complicated things. Sire rebuilt his CC, and for the next hour made practically only lasers and lance.
BlackBaps wrote:
... I sent a cheeky dd and bc to their back patches, forcing almost all their ru opps to the middle.
Mini moved all his pos6 cols to middle, but I had pos4 SY grav, and had time to retreat my cols until your BC/DD died. Then I returned to pos4 patches (and took one of Mini's abandoned patches, too!).
BlackBaps wrote:
We had the worst of [the slugfest in middle] however, with the match looking over for us at several points. Vec had some masterful emping on their swarm and started nibbling away at it .... After a while tho, we seemed to break the back of their main bc fleet
Our first 3 BCs died chasing Vec's FS after we killed his carriers. Next set of BCs died somewhere between Vec's pos2 and middle. 3rd set died defending middle just before Mini had to leave (which was after game had been decided; his leaving didn't change anything).
I think we were in good position to win until you got second hiig SY and double pumped BCs, which brings us to:
BlackBaps wrote:
Suddenly became clear that min iwas a tad TOO aggressive
Whenever we moved BCs past mid to attack you, Mini moved his MS and CC(s) forward, too. Then they would try to run back to mid when his optimism ran out (or when I yelled, "Mini, lol, go back to mid, you will lose your caps!"). I built 4 CCs for him to replace the one's Black and 633 kept pffting.
During one of these back-and-forth maneuvers Mini got an SY. The problem is that it popped from MS
very near Vec's pos2 FS patch. Which is to say, its long term prospects for survival and BC-production were grim. He cloaked MS and SY while retreating, but they died and that effectively ended the game. Black/Vec/633 took mid right after.
BlackBaps wrote:
Very well played all, long may we have more games like this.
Great fun! Cheers to the winners.