Demon Clan Forum

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Author:  fatdemon [ 06 Aug 2008, 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Facebook

Don't know if any of you are using at all...I'm there and so is Loke and Silencio. Add me: Kristoffer Vandbakk.



Author:  fatdemon [ 09 Mar 2009, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facebook

Don't all of you spam my facebook with friend requests at once! Jeez,,,can't get any rest, so many of you want to be my pal on facebook. :o :o :o :oops: :roll: :geek:

So far I have 3 friends from the old homeworld days. Namely, Folko, Quan and Momo. Loke doesn't count.

Author:  DivinerSage [ 18 Feb 2010, 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Facebook

Silencio! Really tell that dude I wanna 1v1 one more time for old times sake.

Now all I need to do is find DarkDemon. I was lucky enough to get to spectate Silencios only loss in 1v1 on HW2 (or I think it was his only loss) it was to DarkDemon, but he was under the Name Maxter or something like that if I remember correctly.

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