This little game is just too much fun not to tell you about, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello, and invite you to save the Dwarves from the rampaging hordes of amphibious elephants...
Dwarf Fortress, think Dungeon Keeper without the graphics, but with more depth.

it can eventually turn into something like this... but on multiple Z levels (up-down) ... 204_rs.jpgnote, that was an early build, where the map was pretty boring, it's very different now
It's fully ascii, so it takes some getting used to understanding what you're seeing. The little smiling faces are your dwarves, the letters are a (H)orse, (d)ogs and (M)ules, rock is all kinds of basic rock coloured characters, the long brownish line is where the dwarves have been ordered to dig into the mountain to start building their fortress home, the grass is green dots and commas, trees are other green shapes, gems are pretty colours, water is blue and makes you drown, magma is red and makes dwarves into statues if they drop in, and that's all you need to know to get started 'let's play' of the game ... er1-1.html