Demon Clan Forum

How to run hw2 without cd
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Author:  Hideki [ 29 Jan 2008, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  How to run hw2 without cd

This has been accomplished already before, but figured no one ever posted that info on the net. (at least as far as i know)


First you need to ready your hw2 cd, then download alcohol 120% from . It's a shareware, so do something about that yourself, though it should have some trial period if im right. Then, run the app. It asks you to reboot once, during initial installation.

Stick hw2 cd in disc drive, and once app opens, go to 'Image Making Wizard', and pick your disc drive and with the 'Data type' at the bottom, choose 'Securom NEW (4/5)' and go next and pick location of the image to be saved and start making the image out of the CD.

Once done, you have 2 files built with mds and mdf extentions. Go to 'Virtual Drive' under 'Options' in the alcohol interface, and set the number of virtual drives to 1 and check the boxes below and save and exit the app. Now right click on the mdf file, and choose 'mount image' and if you're good, the image should be mounted as a virtual disc drive that is different from your physical disc drive.

Now, take the hw2 cd out of drive and see if hw2 still boots up. In some cases, especially if you try to click here and there while the game boots up, it might 'time out' but if you do 'retry' it should usually work.

At least, this was verified that it was possible by some people. Good to see it launch without a cd that is scratched badly...

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